Episode 15 - Web Components (part 2) with Chris Holt and Rob Eisenberg
Part 2 of a 2-parter conversation about Web Components.
In this epidose I chat with Chris Holt and Rob Eisenberg, UX experts from Microsoft. They're both part of the FAST team pushing forward the web components standards.
This episode covers how to get started with web components and a little bit about FAST and what they're doing inside that amazing project.
Get in touch with Chris:
- Twitter: @ChrisDHolt
- Github: https://github.com/ChrisDHolt
Get in touch with Rob:
- Twitter: @EisenbergEffect
- Github: https://github.com/EisenbergEffect
Learn more about FAST:
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OpenReplay is an open-source session replay suite, built for developers and self-hosted for full control over your customer data. If you're looking for a way to understand how your users interact with your application, check out OpenReplay.