Stay up-to-date with the JavaScript and Open-Source communities with the 20MinJS podcast. We publish interviews to members of our communities and discuss new and exciting technologies that are shaping the web ecosystem.Hosted by OpenReplay, an open-source session replay tool for developers.
37 episodes
Episode 37 - Data loading strategies for the front-end, Part 2 with Agustinus Theodorus
Data loading can make or break your app's user experience. In this episode we discuss several different techinques that can help you reduce the time your users need to wait until they get the data they need.This is part 2 of a 2-p...
Season 1
Episode 37
Episode 36 - Data loading strategies for the front-end, Part 1 with Agustinus Theodorus
Data loading can make or break your app's user experience. In this episode we discuss several different techinques that can help you reduce the time your users need to wait until they get the data they need.This is part 1 of a 2-par...
Season 1
Episode 36
Episode 35 - A web without spinners, an introduction to Replicache with Aaron Boodman
Replicache is an innovative JavaScript framework that allows you to build real-time, collaboration apps without the hustle of dealing and developing a complex architecture yourself.Companies spend years developing their own solutions ...
Season 1
Episode 35
Episode 34 - TypeScript for JavaScript developers, with Josh Goldberg
In this episode Josh Goldberg, author of "Learning TypeScript" shares with us some of the most interesting features of TypeScript. We talk about whether or not JavaScript developers should learn TS and why he thinks it's such a great idea d...
Season 1
Episode 34
Episode 33 - Let's talk about Zustand with Daishi Kato
Daishi is a developer from Japan and the main maintainer of the popular, tiny state management library for React: Zustand.While he's still actively working on making Zustand as lightweight and complete as possbile, he's also working similar...
Season 1
Episode 33
Episode 32 - Switching careers to Web Development with Sergii Kirianov
Sergii is a sailor-turned-developer who's been working as a Web Developer for the past year. In this episode he tells us all about his experience and his own advice to everyone looking to either switch jobs or start a new career in Web Deve...
Season 1
Episode 32
Episode 31 - Learning about state management using Pinia, with Eduardo San Martin Morote
In this episode of 20MinJS we talk to Eduardo San Martin, Vue core team member, and the creator of Pinia. We cover topics like State Management, Option stores vs Setup stores, and more.Meet Eduardo:
Season 1
Episode 31
Episode 30 - All about UltraJS combining React and Deno with Omar Mashaal
In this episode of 20MinJS we interview Omar Mashaal, the creator of UltraJS, a very innovative Deno framework that allows you to write modern React applications using the power of browser-compatible technologies.Interesting links
Season 1
Episode 30
Episode 29 - Serverless JavaScript: what, where and why with Benjamin Read
Benjamin is a JS developer and Dev Rel at Webiny. He's been dealing with Serverless functions and JavaScript for years now and in this episode, he's telling us what serverless actually means in the context of JavaScript and how to get started.<...
Season 1
Episode 29
Episode 28 - GDPR for developers, understanding the regulation with Thiébaut Devergranne
Thiébaut is a developer-turned-laywer who has been specializing in the GDPR normative for the last 20 years. He knows everything there is to know about it and in this episode we'll discuss why you as a developer, need to know about it.V...
Season 1
Episode 28
Episode 27 - Let's talk about Remix with Chance Strickland
Chance is one of the developers working on the Remix team and is going to share with us, some of the most interesting features of the framework.If you never tried Remix before or of you'd like to know if this is the framework for your next ...
Season 1
Episode 27

Episode 26 - Let's talk about JavaScript for SEO with Antonello Zanini
Antonello is a developer and freelance technical writer. He's been dealing with SEO for years, and in this episode, he shares some insights into how JavaScript can affect our SEO both ways.In this episode, we covered topics such as common S...
Season 1
Episode 26
Episode 25 - Learning UI frameworks with Corbin Crutchley
Corbin, software developer and author of the upcoming title "The Framework Field Guide", shares with us his filosophy when it comes to learning something new. In this case, three different UI frameworks and why is it such a great idea to ...
Season 1
Episode 25
Episode 24 - Security in the JavaScript ecosystem with Liran Tal
In this episode we discuss all security aspects to take into consideration for new and existing projects. We cover both, the supply chain aspects of security and code-specific attack vectors to look out for.Liran is a security researcher an...
Season 1
Episode 24
Episode 23 - Let's talk about Astro with Chris Bongers
Chris Bongers, team lead and Sr. Developer at daily.dev is back on the show to discuss Astro. If you haven't heard or tried the framework yet, this is a great opportunity to catch up and learn the basics to get started.Get to know Ch...
Season 1
Episode 23

Episode 22 - Web3 as a JavaScript Developer with Francesco Ciulla
Francesco is the Dev Advocate for daily.dev and a very active Web3 content creator. He's sharing information about Web3 every day on Twitter and YouTube and today he shares with us everything you need to get started as a Web3 developer and how ...
Season 1
Episode 22

Episode 21 - An introduction to Fresh with Luca Casonato
In this episode, we discuss Fresh, Deno's latest framework. Our guest, Luca Casonato, is the creator of Fresh, he's been working on it for over a year, and is happy to discuss the framework's key features, such as the architecture, it's speed a...
Season 1
Episode 21

Episode 20 - All about Deno & Deno Deploy with Bartek Iwanczuk
In this episode we cover the current state of the Node-killer turned cloud runtime: Deno.We have a very interesting conversation with Bartek Iwanczuk, engineer at Deno Land. We discuss the current state of Deno, the design principles behind...
Season 1
Episode 20

Episode 19 - Bundling and Compiling JavaScript with Michele Riva
In this episode of 20MinJS we discuss what it means to bundle and compile (or rather "transpile") our JavaScript code.Why do we do it, what benefits do we get out of those processes and we also get a glimpse into a potential future of what ...
Season 1
Episode 19

Episode 18 - AgnosticUI and what it means to build a component library with Rob Levin
In this episode Rob Levin, creator of AgnosticUI, shares with us the ins and out of his framework agnostic component library and what the process for building one looks like.If you're working or thinking about building one yourself, don't m...
Season 1
Episode 18

Episode 17 - React Hooks with Tapas Adhikary
In this episode I have a very interesting conversation with Tapas Adhikary about React Hooks. What they are, why you'd want to create custom ones and what are the best practices around doing that.Contact TapasTwit...
Season 1
Episode 17

Episode 16 - JavaScript-controlled Machines with Wassim Chegham
Wassim is a Dev Advocate for JavaScript inside Microsoft and he created the "Mind controlled Coffee machine" in his spare time.In this episode we have a nice conversation about that project, and what possibilities are there for JavaScript d...
Season 1
Episode 16

Episode 15 - Web Components (part 2) with Chris Holt and Rob Eisenberg
Part 2 of a 2-parter conversation about Web Components. In this epidose I chat with Chris Holt and Rob Eisenberg, UX experts from Microsoft. They're both part of the FAST team pushing forward the web components standards.This episode co...
Season 1
Episode 15

Episode 14 - Web Components with Chris Holt and Rob Eisenberg
Episode 1 of a 2-parter conversation about Web Components. In this epidose I chat with Chris Holt and Rob Eisenberg, UX experts from Microsoft. They're both part of the FAST team pushing forward the web components standards.Get in to...
Season 1
Episode 14

Episode 13 - Scaling React Applications with Morten Barklund
What does "Scaling a React application" even mean?We have a very interesting conversation with Morten about what scaling means in the context of a front-end application. He also shares some details about his book "React Quickly" published w...
Season 1
Episode 13