Episode 27 - Let's talk about Remix with Chance Strickland
Chance is one of the developers working on the Remix team and is going to share with us, some of the most interesting features of the framework.
If you never tried Remix before or of you'd like to know if this is the framework for your next project, check the episode out and decide for yourself.
We discuss topics such as:
- Bridging the gap between front and back
- Understanding nested routes
- Progressive enhancements
And more, so make sure to check it out!
Interesting Links
- Front to Back (Chance's online course for front-end developers): https://www.fronttoback.dev/
- Chance's Twitter: https://twitter.com/chancethedev
- Remix: https://remix.run/
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Meet our host, OpenReplay:
OpenReplay is an open-source session replay suite, built for developers and self-hosted for full control over your customer data. If you're looking for a way to understand how your users interact with your application, check out OpenReplay.